Sunday, October 13, 2013

I like to eat

So every Sunday Kim King and I come home from church and high tail it over to her parents home for dinner.  Tom King is a great cook; he's also a meat and potatoes man.  In other words, he's my kind of guy.  So tonight it was stew: meaty delicious beef stew.  I had a serving, but it was clear that wouldn't be enough. I headed back for round two, which was worth it.  I took a break for awhile, but eventually I found room for thirds.  I ate every bite and must admit that I licked the bowl.  Did I tell you that it was delicious?  At that point, I spied Francisco the Chihuhua and had the following thought, "I should give him the plate to li....oh crap, I forgot I already did." That's right, remember the break between rounds two and three?  I forgot I gave the dog my bowl to clean at that point.  Remember when I said I licked the bowl?  Yep - post dog.  

So apparently stew causes memory loss.  Hopefully I'll remember that next time.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Why can't I remember to blog?

So I read my post about Fergus the cat. It's a decent little piece. I think I have writing skills. The problem is that I never remember to sit down and write. Maybe I'll turn over a new leaf. I have started keeping a list of intriguing words I encounter. I heard that's what real writers do. Right now it includes words likes ersatz, thrill (as a verb), and quean. The last one is from Kim King and I haven't even looked it up yet. I've also finally figured out how to notate the books I'm reading on Kindle: Pink for words to remember, blue for ideas to discuss, orange for literary elements. It's a bit of a conundrum for me because I have delusions of grandeur, but I always manage to talk myself down. Why can't I be the next J.K. Rowling? Shoot, why can't I be the next C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien? Okay, their genius status cannot be denied, but still...... Today I'll think bigger, today I'll follow through, today I'll write a blog post. Done!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Goodbye Fergus

It's the first day of Fall. The weather has turned and it feels official. It seems like an appropriate day to feel a bit sad about the passing of my two day cat Fergus. He showed up on Thursday. He brought new literal meaning to the phrase "skin and bones." He walked right in the front door and let us love him up for the short time he had left. That felt like a grand blessing. I love animals and I know that God does too. I imagine he told Fergus he could come here and the crazy cat ladies would take care of him on his way out. We took him (Kim King and I) back to the vet this morning (I didn't think he would make it through the night), and Dr. Smith lovingly helped us to make the decision. I will always appreciate Kim King for crying as hard (maybe even a bit more) as me. I love thinking about him being in pain and then instantly being back to his vibrant cat self, so happy. I'm sure he'll be mine in the next life (with a custody arrangement between Kim King and myself). So the name Fergus is retired until then. I wonder who will show up on the doorstep next....