Sunday, October 13, 2013

I like to eat

So every Sunday Kim King and I come home from church and high tail it over to her parents home for dinner.  Tom King is a great cook; he's also a meat and potatoes man.  In other words, he's my kind of guy.  So tonight it was stew: meaty delicious beef stew.  I had a serving, but it was clear that wouldn't be enough. I headed back for round two, which was worth it.  I took a break for awhile, but eventually I found room for thirds.  I ate every bite and must admit that I licked the bowl.  Did I tell you that it was delicious?  At that point, I spied Francisco the Chihuhua and had the following thought, "I should give him the plate to li....oh crap, I forgot I already did." That's right, remember the break between rounds two and three?  I forgot I gave the dog my bowl to clean at that point.  Remember when I said I licked the bowl?  Yep - post dog.  

So apparently stew causes memory loss.  Hopefully I'll remember that next time.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Why can't I remember to blog?

So I read my post about Fergus the cat. It's a decent little piece. I think I have writing skills. The problem is that I never remember to sit down and write. Maybe I'll turn over a new leaf. I have started keeping a list of intriguing words I encounter. I heard that's what real writers do. Right now it includes words likes ersatz, thrill (as a verb), and quean. The last one is from Kim King and I haven't even looked it up yet. I've also finally figured out how to notate the books I'm reading on Kindle: Pink for words to remember, blue for ideas to discuss, orange for literary elements. It's a bit of a conundrum for me because I have delusions of grandeur, but I always manage to talk myself down. Why can't I be the next J.K. Rowling? Shoot, why can't I be the next C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien? Okay, their genius status cannot be denied, but still...... Today I'll think bigger, today I'll follow through, today I'll write a blog post. Done!